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what many latter-day saints are

Women in the Scriptures: Latter-day Saint Women Around the World: Karin from Denmark

This is the last submission I have for my series on Latter-day Saint Women Around the World... sob. I've really loved getting these and I just want any one out there who is still working on one-- or who thinks that they might like to do one-- that I would be VERY excited to get some more... hint, hint.

This guest post comes from a woman who over the last few years has become a good friend. Karin was one of the first people to send me an email when I started this blog a few years back. We have had some very interesting email exchanges over the years and she even translated my Re-enactment of the First Relief Society script into Danish! I have loved getting to know her and loved hearing about the church in Denmark, my father served his mission in Denmark and so it has always had a special place in my heart.

What is the dominate belief system in your country? Do most people consider themselves to be "religious"? Are business and stores closed on Sunday? Do most people attend church? The main religion in Denmark is the Evangelical Lutheran Church or, as it is called if you translate directly from danish: "The Church of the People". That name makes good sense to me since the church is connected to the state and is governed both by the Danish Parliament as well as Bishops around the country. Recently it has been decided by the Government that same-sex couples can marry. Most people come to church to have their babies christened (which makes them members of the church) and their teenagers confirmed, to get married and to be buried. Some people go to church Christmas Eve and of course some do it on a more regular basis. You can find many different belief systems in Denmark, but I would say that it is considered quite unusual and "weird" to belong to another (than the Evangelical Lutheran Church) church while it is getting more and more usual to be tuned in on something spiritual. Many celebrities "come out" as Buddhists or reveal that they pray, but not many will say that they believe in God or Christ.

As for stores open on Sunday I remember through my childhood Priesthood leaders teaching us not to do business on Sundays and we couldn't help but thinking it was a little "American" and not minded for us because it was absolutely impossible to buy anything else but gasoline. But now it is a whole different story and there no limitations on how stores can be open for business and you cannot go though a commercial block on TV without seeing at least one commercial screaming "great Sunday offer" in your face. And the prices really are low and very tempting, which make me even more thankful that the whole idea of having a prophet is having someone telling us what is important now as well as in the future.

Do I think it was important and meaningful that we were taught twenty years ahead not to do business on Sundays? Yes, indeed!

Aarhus down town in the spring. Right now it's just grey, cold and dark much of the time.

2. How long have you been a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Later-day Saints? If you are a convert please tell us a little about your conversion. If you were born in the church tell us a bit about your family and who was the first in your family to join the church.